Dr. Elżbieta Jagielska from the Laboratory of Protein Engineering in MMRI PAS gave a lecture to students of the University of the Third Age in Karczew on the resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobial substances, mainly antibiotics. Lecture entitled “Antibiotics – how to use them wisely, and other alternative methods of eliminating bacteria.” was delivered on June 12, 2024 and was intended to familiarize listeners with knowledge about bacteria as single-celled, pathogenic, but also useful and ubiquitous organisms in the environment and the human body. Dr. Jagielska talked about the ways in which antibiotics work, the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and how to prevent it. The lecture also presented new research work carried out at the Protein Engineering Laboratory as part of the POLNOR projects, on the development of alternative non-antibiotic bactericidal agents for use not only in medicine, but also in agriculture, fisheries and the food industry.